General Merchandise
We are looking for arts & crafts, services and merchandise that have a motorcycle or vintage auto/classic car aesthetic, promotes Waynesville and its attributes (such as Croaker, Waynesville Tigers, Downtown Waynesville, Route 66, Roubidoux Bridge, Park or Spring and/or businesses, and/or Pulaski County as a whole, jewerly vendors and vendors with unique and custom merchandise. If you are unsure you qualify, reach out to us by text at 573.855.5119. Space is limited so be sure to get your application in today!
Mobile & Static Food Vendors
All food vendors will be located in the Roubidoux StrEATery and surrounding area. Food Vendor Applications must provide a menu when submitting for approval. In order to provide a variety of food items, duplicate menus may not be allowed. We will update you on your application status within ten (10) days of your submittal so be sure to give us a good email address to reach you by.
Tattoo Artists
If you are the best of the best, come show off your talent in the Roubidoux River of Ink! Located in the lower Roubidoux Park, the River of Ink will be filled with the most awesome talent you can find in the Ozarks. Reserve your spot today!